About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illness according to the law of similars.  It can be used successfully for both acute and chronic illness, and for any age group from the very young to the elderly. It focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on your specific physical, mental and emotional symptoms, encouraging healing from within to restore balance and health.

The law of similars  is based  on the Hippocratic principle of ‘like cures like’ as opposed to curing with opposites. It was Samuel Hahnemann (1755 -1843), a German doctor, who, when disillusioned with medical practice of the day, developed the scientific and philosophical foundations of this gentler way of healing. He discovered that substances, which in large doses may cause sickness, when given in tiny doses, will cure a similar sickness. Hahnemann took the name Homöopathie (German), ‘Homeopathy’ from the Greek ‘homoios’ = similar and ‘pathos’ = suffering. For example in conventional medicine for insomnia a drug that induces artificial sleep is given whereas in homeopathy a remedy made from a substance that in large doses causes insomnia, such as Coffea, a specially prepared remedy (see below) made from coffee beans in a highly diluted form is often prescribed. Alternatively for nettle rash a remedy made from the stinging nettle, Urtica Urens (lat.), will often relieve the red, stinging and burning skin symptoms.

Although conventional medicine with its innovative technology and new drugs is performing ever greater miracles, the incidence of chronic diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, allergies, heart disease as well as mental and emotional complaints, is rising. With its different approach to health, homeopathy has much to offer to ameliorate many of these chronic conditions as well as diseases considered incurable by conventional medicine, or when a person is unwell but medical tests are all negative.

Conditions seen in the homeopathic clinic

Babies and children:

Colic, teething, glue ear, behavioral or developmental problems.

Circulatory problems:
Hypertension, angina, varicose veins, hemorrhoids

Chronic conditions:
Arthritis, ME, chronic fatigue, Parkinson’s disease, HIV, migraines, backache, allergies

Digestive disorders:
Irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, colitis

Hormonal imbalances:
Period pain, PMT, menstrual issues, menopausal or thyroid problems

Recurrent complaints:
Common cold, flu, tonsillitis, ear infections, cystitis, thrush, herpes

Respiratory conditions:
Coughs, hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh

Skin problems:
Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, warts

Sprains, fractures, post-operative complaints:
Remedies enhance the healing process

Mental -emotional and stress related issues:
Depression, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks

Life changes:

Support for the natural processes of growing up and ageing

Acute conditions:
Remedies assist recovery flu, colds, stomach upsets and injuries. Moreover, individually prescribed remedies can benefit in alleviating side effects of conventional drugs, for example of chemo therapy.

Homeopathy is beneficial in a range of physical as well as non-physical problems. Seeing a homeopath is helpful at any time of stress or worry, such as bereavement, redundancy or relationship problems. Finally, it is extremely useful as an aid to tackle obesity and states which are hard to explain in orthodox terms – feeling tired all the time, post viral fatigue, difficulties with memory and concentration.

Homeopathy aims to restore vitality and allows us to to live in balance and experience the full potential of our individual state of health.



All material copyright © Maya Monk-Schenk 2020